Pearce TV ad talks about partial-birth abortion

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce’s new ad highlights his opposition to partial-birth abortion.

Here’s the 15-second ad:

“Partial-birth abortion is an outrage. I voted against it. Every sensible person would,” Pearce says in the ad. “How did you vote, Tom?”

Tom is Pearce’s Democratic opponent, Tom Udall.

Pearce’s Web site highlights the fact that Udall has twice voted against bills that would have banned partial-birth abortion except when necessary to save the mother’s life. But Udall spokeswoman Marissa Padilla pointed out to The Santa Fe New Mexican that Udall voted, in 2003, to amend that bill, as he had done previously, to allow an exemption when a doctor says an abortion is necessary for the life or health of the mother.

Those amendments failed in the House, and Pearce voted against them, Padilla told the newspaper, adding that Udall “voted to ban late-term abortion except to preserve the life and health of the woman.”

The 2003 bill later became law.

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