New Udall TV ad continues fight over energy policy

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall is out with a new TV ad accusing Republican opponent Steve Pearce of being in the pocket of the oil industry as the two continue to spar about energy policy.

Here’s the 30-second ad, which the Udall campaign unveiled today:

“What part of ‘Do it all’ doesn’t Steve Pearce understand?” the ad’s narrator asks, in an apparent reference to Udall’s previous TV ad. “Steve Pearce voted to give Big Oil $14 billion while voting nine times against investing in alternative energy. Maybe that’s why Steve Pearce got over $600,000 from Big Oil.”

“Tom Udall knows we have to do it all — drill offshore, nuclear power and get serious about alternative energy,” the narrator states.

After Udall unveiled the ad last week pushing his proposal to “Do it all” on energy, Pearce fired back in a news release by listing eight Udall votes in the House against increasing domestic drilling.

“Tom Udall should follow his own advice about less talk and more action when it comes to domestic drilling,” Pearce campaign manager John Billingsley said in the release. “He has had opportunities to act in Congress, but has opposed drilling every time.”

Udall campaign manager Amanda Cooper said in a news release sent today to announce the new ad that Pearce and his “special-interest allies sound like a broken record for Big Oil, standing up for more of the same Bush policies that got our country into this predicament to begin with.”

“The choice is clear,” Cooper said. “… Under Tom Udall’s energy plan, we can secure our energy future, end our dangerous addiction on foreign oil and create the jobs of the future by doing it all.”

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