Herrera’s office sends erroneous info to thousands

Secretary of State Mary Herrera’s office didn’t quite get it right in sending voters information on how to vote in the upcoming Nov. 4 election, the Albuquerque Journal is reporting.

The Journal provided several examples of bad information included on the mailings sent out by Herrera’s office:

Doña Ana County voters were given an e-mail address to request an absentee ballot for an employee who hasn’t worked at the clerk’s office in two years.

• Some 88 voters who usually vote in Radium Springs were erroneously told in the mailers that their polling site is now in Anthony.

• Another 711 voters in La Mesa were given the wrong address for their polling place.

• Many voters in Albuquerque were given the wrong polling location.

• Some 765 voters in Roswell were given the wrong polling location, and some of the mailers misspelled Chaves County, using a “z” instead of an “s.” The Roswell Daily Record also has more on this snafu, reporting that thousands of voters in that county were given erroneous information about their polling locations, including wrong ZIP codes.

• In San Juan County, about 500 voters were given a nonexistent address to their traditional polling place, a Farmington church.

The Journal said more than 7,000 voters — minus those approximately 100,000 who were given the wrong e-mail address in Doña Ana County — were given incorrect information on the forms they received by mail.

Herrera took “full responsibility” in an interview with the Journal. But taxpayers are going to pay for it. Corrected mailers are being sent out, the Journal reported. Herrera said she has the money in her budget to cover the cost.

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