Udall ad, Web site blame Pearce for economic woes

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall is out today with a new TV ad and Web site aimed at blaming the financial woes of New Mexicans on Republican opponent Steve Pearce and President Bush.

Here’s the 30-second ad:

“George Bush and Steve Pearce. How much are they costing you? Go to MiddleClassSqueeze.com and use this calculator to find out,” the ad’s narrator states. “Steve Pearce voted 91 percent of the time with George Bush. Giving special deals to big oil and drug companies while we get four-dollar-a-gallon gas and health-care costs through the roof.”

“I’m Tom Udall and I approve this message because it’s time middle-class families came first, not the special interests,” Udall says at the end of the ad.

The Web site includes Udall’s “Middle Class Squeeze Calculator,” which, according to a news release from the Udall campaign, calculates how much prescription-drug costs, annual health-insurance premiums, monthly food costs and gasoline prices have increased during the Bush presidency.

“It’s time for New Mexicans to see just how much we have been impacted by Steve Pearce’s lock-step support of the failed Bush Administration policies that have led to the growing middle-class squeeze,” Udall Campaign Manager Amanda Cooper said in the release.

You have to provide an e-mail address and ZIP code to use the calculator, so the Web site and ad are also about building up the Udall campaign’s database of contact information.

The release of the ad and unveiling of the Web site coincide with Udall’s “Doing Right by New Mexico Tour” that begins today in Sunland Park.

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