Pearce’s first TV ad promotes nuclear energy

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce released his first general-election television ad today, a 30-second spot in which he says nuclear energy is the key to America’s energy independence.

Here’s the ad:

“It may not be politically correct, but nuclear energy is a sure way to America’s energy independence,” Pearce says in the ad. “Nuclear power can make America free from Middle East oil cartels. Nuclear can keep energy costs low, America prosperous and keep American jobs from going overseas.”

Tom Udall won’t stand up to the far left environmentalists. I will,” Pearce says of his Democratic opponent. “I’m Steve Pearce and I approve this message because we need to invest in nuclear power and drill for domestic oil.”

Udall has already run several general-election television ads and has more money to spend on ads than Pearce. Udall ended June with $2.9 million in the bank. Pearce ended it with $531,624.

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