NRCC to spend $731K on TV ads in 1st District race

The National Republican Congressional Committee has reserved more than $700,000 in television advertising in October in the 1st Congressional District race between Republican Darren White and Democrat Martin Heinrich.

The fundraising arm of House Republicans has reserved a total of $731,690 in advertising on broadcast stations from Oct. 14 to Nov. 4, according to a source with knowledge of the situation. By contrast, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has reserved $1.3 million in advertising on broadcast stations for the race in September and October, and is already up on cable with this ad attacking White.

The Politico is reporting today that the NRCC is “playing defense” with its advertising plan. It has reserved airtime in 14 media markets, and 11 are in districts currently held by Republicans, including New Mexico’s 1st District.

That’s at least in part because the DCCC has some $40 million more in the bank than does the NRCC.

The DCCC has also reserved $1.2 million in airtime for New Mexico’s 2nd District race between Republican Ed Tinsley and Democrat Harry Teague. The NRCC has not reserved any airtime in that district.

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