National groups spar over N.M. CD1 race

In response to a radio ad currently being run by the conservative Freedoms Watch attacking 1st Congressional Democratic candidate Martin Heinrich, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is running a new ad in the Albuquerque area attacking Heinrich’s Republican opponent, Darren White.

The theme of the spat is a familiar one that’s on the forefront of most Americans’ minds: energy.

Freedoms Watch’s ad, which you can hear by clicking here, accuses Heinrich of opposing exploring for more offshore oil even though 70 percent of Americans support it.

“Heinrich doesn’t get it. American oil means lower gas prices, more American jobs and keeping American dollars here,” the ad’s narrator states.

Meanwhile, the new DCCC ad paints a May fundraiser for White as a champagne event while “the rest of Albuquerque struggles with skyrocketing food and gas costs.”

White, the ad points out, was President Bush’s local 2004 campaign chair. It says he has raised $13,000 from the oil industry “and he’s asking us to believe he’s going to solve the energy crunch?”

The ad then goes on to promote Heinrich’s plan. Listen to the DCCC ad by clicking here.

New Mexico’s 1st District is one of 10 across the nation where the groups are currently airing competing radio ads.

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