McCain: Another attack on Obama’s celebrity

Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s new TV ad continues his attack on Democratic opponent Barack Obama’s celebrity and, in the tradition of McCain’s previous Paris/Britney ad, features a brief image of Obama next to another blond on the cover of an entertainment magazine.

Here’s the 30-second ad, which is airing in New Mexico and other battleground states:

It’s the third TV ad McCain has unveiled focusing on Obama’s celebrity. The ad opens with images of a crowd and then Obama on the cover of several magazines, including GQ and Vanity Fair.

“Life in the spotlight must be grand, but for the rest of us times are tough,” the ad’s narrator states. “Obama voted to raise taxes on people making just $42,000. He promises more taxes on small business, seniors, your life savings, your family. Painful taxes, hard choices for your budget. Not ready to lead. That’s the real Obama.”

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