Club for Growth attacks Udall in new TV ad

The right-wing Club for Growth is out with a new TV ad in New Mexico attacking Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall and urging him to support increased domestic drilling.

Here’s the 30-second ad:

The ad chastises Udall for having voted against offshore drilling while also voting “for more government power to take private property” and “to keep the Death Tax,” according to a news release from the group.

“For Tom Udall, if it’s private property, he thinks the government should take it; if someone dies, Tom Udall thinks the government should tax it; but if it’s American oil, he thinks the government should leave it in the ground,” the news release states. It’s a line that’s similar to one used in the TV ad.

The group is spending $150,000 to run the ad for two weeks.

The ad doesn’t mention Udall’s election battle or his opponent, Republican Steve Pearce, but instead urges Udall to support a House bill to repeal provisions against offshore drilling.

The group endorsed Pearce in the primary and spent $200,000 on an ad attacking his opponent, Heather Wilson as a spendthrift liberal.

Meanwhile, Pearce was endorsed over the weekend by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“In the Senate, Steve Pearce will continue to be a champion for the people of New Mexico and an invaluable leader on important business issues,” said Bill Miller, the chamber’s senior vice president and political director. “If elected, Pearce will continue to look out for businesses of all sizes. … On issues ranging from lowering taxes to reducing energy costs, New Mexico’s businesses and workers have no better friend in Washington than Steve Pearce.”

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