Udall raises $2.1 million during 2nd quarter

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall raised more than $2.1 million during the fundraising quarter that ended June 30, the best fundraising effort yet for a candidate who, during the primary season, consistently outraised the GOP hopefuls combined.

“We are so grateful to Tom’s strong, statewide base of committed supporters for making this our best fundraising quarter so far,” campaign Manager Amanda Cooper said in a news release. “Because of their generous support, our campaign is able to knock on thousands of doors, have a strong statewide presence and dominate the airwaves with hard-hitting TV ads.”

The release didn’t state how much Udall spent during the second quarter of the year or had on hand on July 1. Finance reports aren’t due to the Federal Election Commission until July 15.

During the first quarter of the year, Udall raised $1.3 million, while his Republican opponent, Steve Pearce, raised $473,725. From April 1 to May 14 — the first half of the second quarter — Udall raised $728,211 and Pearce raised $357,000. A report was due in the middle of the quarter because of the June 3 primary.

During every period in the 2008 primary election cycle, Udall raised more than Pearce and his GOP primary opponent, Heather Wilson, combined. Udall began the general election with $2.9 million on hand.

Pearce hasn’t released any final information about his second-quarter fundraising.

Cooper said Udall’s fundraising has allowed him to “own the TV airwaves,” rotating five advertisements statewide. The most recent is a 30-second spot in which Udall talks about a drunken-driving accident that led to tougher DWI laws while Udall was attorney general.

Here it is:

“I’ve been fighting for tougher drunk-driving laws,” Udall says in the ad. “But it wasn’t until this happened that we were finally able to get tough laws passed.”

Cooper said Udall’s fight to combat DWI is another example of his integrity.

“At a time when New Mexico’s middle class is being crushed by escalating food and gas prices, Tom Udall will fight to protect our interests, not special interests,” she said.

Pearce has yet to run a TV ad during the general election cycle.

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