Pro-war group to run TV ads in New Mexico

A political action committee that is supporting Republican congressional candidates will begin airing a television ad in New Mexico and other states next week promoting the “truth” about “progress” in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Here’s the ad from Vets for Freedom:

The ad, according to the a news release from the group, is intended “to inform the American public and key lawmakers about the phenomenal success that our troops have achieved as a result of the surge and the importance of ensuring victory in Iraq, Afghanistan and the overall global war on terrorism.”

The Washington Post is reporting that the ad will run this month and next, and is the first of several ads the group will run during in the coming months. The initial ad buy is $1.5 million. The overall campaign by the group will continue through Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.

The current ad pointedly takes a stance more in line with the Republican Party than that of the Democratic Party.

“We changed strategy in Iraq,” says one veteran in the ad. “And the surge worked,” another continues.

In a reference to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign slogan, another says, “Now that’s change you can believe in.”

The ad doesn’t back any candidate, and the vets in the ad say the United States needs to “finish the job, no matter who is president.”

New Mexico is one of 12 battleground states where the ad is running. As reported by the New Mexico Independent, the group’s PAC is supporting 13 U.S. House and Senate candidates who are all Republicans. None are from New Mexico.

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