Pearce says he wants ‘at least’ three debates

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce responded today to a challenge from Democratic opponent Tom Udall to attend three debates by saying he wants at least three.

“The Pearce campaign completely agrees that at least three debates made available to all media in New Mexico in a format that provides the widest discussion of ideas is essential for what is truly a historic election,” Pearce campaign manager John Billingsley wrote in a letter to Udall campaign manager Amanda Cooper.

Earlier today, Cooper sent a letter to the Pearce campaign challenging Pearce to three debates to be held after Labor Day, televised and coordinated to reach every part of the state, and to include a “variety of formats to allow the most statewide interaction with the people of New Mexico.”

“The voters need to know that Congressman Udall and some of the most radical special interests in the Democratic Party have been standing in the way of America’s ability to move forward on energy, education, the economy, on issue after issue,” Pearce’s campaign manager wrote. “Both Congressman Udall and Congressman Pearce have voting records that speak to who they are and what they believe. We look forward to the opportunity to reveal Congressman Udall’s record to the people while proudly reminding voters of Congressman Pearce’s common sense, pro-family, pro-business record.”

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