New Mexico Liberty is a new public forum on the Web

A new Web site started by the libertarian-leaning Rio Grande Foundation aims to provide “a public forum for open and wide-ranging discussion on matters affecting the life, liberty and well-being of New Mexico’s citizens.”

That’s according to a posting from the man who is running New Mexico Liberty, Jim Scarantino (who is also a columnist for Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics).

“We want this site to be like a public square. You can use the forum as your soap box to get a discussion going,” Scarantino wrote in the inaugural posting on the site. “We sorely need quality, challenging, substantive debates in this state. We don’t seem to be getting it from our newspapers and television. Some blogs are doing a good job trying to cover politics. Many blogs are just personal rant sites, or places where hacks push their agendas and candidates. Some bloggers forgot how to think and process information long ago. We can do better.”

Scarantino wrote that the site originated from a frustrated e-mail he sent to Paul Gessing, president of the Rio Grande Foundation, about the “quality of discussion I found on New Mexico’s political blogs.” Their discussion on how to improve “the level of political discourse on the Web” led to New Mexico Liberty.

Though the Rio Grande Foundation started the site, it doesn’t control content, Scarantino wrote.

“In that regard, they are being true to their Libertarian values. They think society in general will benefit just by giving people a place to express themselves and debate what’s going on in our world,” Scarantino wrote.

Check the site out when you get a chance at

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