McCain to hold town-hall meeting in ABQ next week

Republican presidential candidate John McCain will be in Albuquerque on July 15 for a town-hall meeting, according to his campaign Web site.

McCain will apparently spend the night of July 14 in New Mexico, because he’s also holding a private fundraiser a week from today at the Albuquerque home of car dealer Ken Zangara.

The town-hall meeting will be held at Hotel Albuquerque in Old Town, according to McCain’s Web site. The site doesn’t state whether the event will be open to the public or by invitation only. It also doesn’t state what time the event will begin, but says doors will open at 8:45 a.m.

The McCain campaign has released no additional details about the event.

This will be McCain’s second 2008 campaign trip to New Mexico. He was in Albuquerque on Memorial Day. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has made two trips to New Mexico – one to Albuquerque and Santa Fe and the other to Las Cruces.

Update, 1:30 p.m.

McCain spokeswoman Whitney Cheshire said the event begins at 10 a.m. It’s open to the public but space is limited. To RSVP, contact Kelly Rzendzian at (505) 440-7421 or

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