McCain attacks Obama in new ad

Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s new television ad accuses Democratic opponent Barack Obama of changing positions on the war for political gain.

Meanwhile, the narrator of the 30-second spot says McCain puts his nation above all else. It’s airing in New Mexico and other battleground states and on national cable.

Here it is:

“Barack Obama never held a single Senate hearing on Afghanistan. He hasn’t been to Iraq in years. He voted against funding our troops,” the ad’s narrator states.

“Positions that helped him win his nomination. Now Obama is changing to help himself become president,” the narrator states. “John McCain has always supported our troops and the surge that’s working.”

Update, 9:25 a.m.

The above ad was released Friday. Today, the McCain campaign unveiled another ad airing in New Mexico, other battleground states and on national cable. Here it is:

The ad blames Obama for high gas prices. Its narrator says McCain’s plan to increase drilling will “rescue our family budgets.”

“Don’t hope for more energy,” the ad’s narrator states. “Vote for it.”

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