Just give us our money

By Dan Foley

We are about to head into a special session and the list of things we are going to cover seems to be growing every single day. Health-care reform, tax cuts, tax rebates and highway funding are already on the list, and who knows what else may become a priority by the time we make it to Santa Fe? The big question whether we really need to do this. In fact it’s the million-dollar question everyone is asking, and if you have the answer, then please share it with me as soon as possible.

I have to tell you I think some good could come out of this if we go to Santa Fe with the intent of actually accomplishing something, and if all sides understand that there needs to be a realistic set of expectations and goals. The governor has to realize that ideas that take us toward single-payer health care or that propose a significant expansion of Medicaid are not going to be met with open arms by the Legislature. But at the same time the Legislature has to realize we have to be willing to work on the proposals the governor puts on the table. We have a duty to give serious, respectful thought to his agenda.

The tax rebates and expanding the tax holidays are all going to be good things for the people of New Mexico. Everyone is feeling the pinch at the pump and any help we can give the hardworking citizens of this state will be greatly appreciated. If you have spent any time traveling around our state, you would agree that every penny we can spend on highway maintenance is needed and will be appreciated by the people who travel our roads.

My message to the folks meeting in Santa Fe in the next few weeks is simple. Instead of trying to look good for the next election and pandering to every special-interest group we can think of, let’s do something that helps every citizen of this state and really gives help to hardworking parents and small businesses at a time when we really need it. Some of the good things may not be as sexy as some of the things I mentioned earlier, but they’ll nonetheless be the right things to do.

For example, we should suspend the state tax on gasoline and diesel. If doing that helps the price of gas at the pump drop, let’s say, 30 cents a gallon for the next six months, that would be real savings in every New Mexican’s pocket. And it would help the poorest of the poor the most.

Now some people are going to tell you we can’t do this because all the tax money is already bonded and spent, and, oh yeah, it will hurt our bond rating as well. I have to tell you I have already thought through all that, and there is a simple answer to their objection. It is to take a portion of our current reserve, which is substantial, and use part of those funds to replace whatever the cuts in dedicated taxes are going to cost the state. Yes, we can use that excess revenue to pay the bonds and also hold municipalities and counties harmless as well.

It really is a simple plan. The only people who will lose out are the politicians who can’t wait to spend your money on some new program or project that they think is so important. The reality is that what most taxpayers want is a few more dollars in their pockets at the end of the month so they can do what they want with the money. They don’t really care what politicians want to do with the money.

Call your legislator and the governor and tell them if they are going to meet there is a simple solution to this financial crisis we are facing and that is to give us our money, period. No new projects or programs. Just give us our money.

Foley is the outgoing minority whip in the New Mexico House of Representatives and a Republican from Chaves County.

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