No break in the action: New TV ads up in N.M.

It appears New Mexico will get no break between the primary and general elections this year, with Republican presidential nominee John McCain and a special-interest group that is targeting the U.S. Senate race both currently running TV ads.

Here’s McCain’s new ad, which is running in several battleground states, including New Mexico:

The ad tries to sell McCain as someone who has a deep understanding of and hates war and as someone who, in his own words, is “running for president to keep this country safe.” The pro-Iraq war McCain has already said his campaign’s success will be decided by whether he can convince the American people that he’s right about Iraq.

In addition, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund is running an ad attacking Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce. Here it is:

The ad attempts to link Pearce to President Bush, saying both have supported oil companies while Americans have had to deal with record gas prices.

“Call Steve Pearce and tell him we need lower fuel costs, not more support for George Bush and Big Oil,” the ad’s narrator states.

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