N.M. Republicans to gather Saturday in Las Cruces

New Mexico Republicans will elect a new national committeeman, confirm the five who get the state GOP’s electoral votes and hear from candidates for federal office at a meeting on Saturday in Las Cruces.

The 2008 Republican Party of New Mexico Quadrennial Convention will begin at 10 a.m. at the performing arts center at Oñate High School.

The most interesting vote of state central committee members who attend Saturday’s meeting will be on who will replace George Buffett as the national committeeman for New Mexico — a representative who has a voice in the Republican National Committee. Albuquerque attorney Pat Rogers had previously announced his candidacy, but two late entrants — Albuquerque small businessman Anthony Contri and Albuquerque car dealer Don Chalmers — jumped into the race this week.

It’s too late for their names to appear on Saturday’s ballot, but they’re still welcome to compete, said Allen Weh, chairman of the state GOP.

“It never helps your cause to be late,” Weh said.

The Republican candidates for U.S. Senate and House from New Mexico will be present and allowed to speak, Weh said. So will a yet-to-be-named surrogate speaker who will appear on behalf of Republican presidential nominee John McCain.

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