Wilson picks up mayoral, newspaper endorsements

Heather Wilson has picked up the endorsements of the Farmington mayor and a Silver City newspaper in recent days in her quest to win the Republican U.S. Senate primary.

In endorsing Wilson over primary opponent Steve Pearce, Farmington Mayor Bill Standley said Wilson “is a conservative leader of sound judgment.”

“When Heather Wilson votes, she votes for the needs of New Mexicans, and I believe she will continue to do that when she’s elected to the Senate,” he said in a release from the Wilson campaign. “Wilson’s recent work to protect critical funding for rural hospitals, including San Juan Regional Medical Center, is a perfect example of her commonsense, conservative leadership. Heather Wilson believes in low taxes and smaller government, but she also believes in standing up for New Mexicans.”

Standley’s endorsement follows that of San Juan County Commission Chairman Tony Atkinson, who put his support behind Wilson last week.

“I am very pleased with the support my campaign is receiving in San Juan County,” Wilson said in the release. “It shows that Republicans in northwest New Mexico know they don’t have to sacrifice conservative leadership for commonsense judgment. I look forward to working with them to keep this seat in the Republican column come November.”

Meanwhile, the Silver City Daily Press has also endorsed Wilson. In an editorial, the paper said that, though neither candidate “seems to know much about the southwestern corner of the state… we hope that changes if Wilson is elected.”

“She’s more moderate and reasonable, and she supported the Children’s Health Insurance Program where Pearce didn’t. A lot of people in New Mexico depend on that insurance,” the editorial states. “She’s more appealing to swing voters, and more likely to attract voters against a very strong Democratic opponent, (Tom) Udall, in the general election.”

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