Wilson ad attacks Pearce’s special-interest support

In response to conservative groups’ support of her primary opponent, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Heather Wilson unveiled a new radio ad today attacking Steve Pearce for selling out New Mexicans to get money from special-interest groups.

“It’s a question of priorities: Vote to protect New Mexico and America or side with a New York City special-interest group to get their money,” the ad’s narrator states. “Steve Pearce voted against New Mexico. And now his special-interest friends are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars attacking Heather Wilson.”

I assume Wilson’s radio ad is referring to the Club for Growth, which has endorsed Pearce and is spending $200,000 to run television ads in New Mexico attacking Wilson.

The radio ad’s narrator says Pearce “puts his interests ahead of New Mexico’s,” while Wilson has voted in New Mexico’s best interest “every time.”

“Steve Pearce has shown that he will vote for special-interest scorecards over the people of New Mexico. His campaign is benefiting greatly from it,” Wilson’s campaign manger, Chris Collins, said in a news release. “New Mexico’s current Republican senator didn’t vote against our labs, our bases or our border, but if these special-interest groups get their way, the next one will.”

The ad, which you can hear by clicking here, is running statewide beginning today.

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