Teague decries McCamley ad, unveils his own ad

Democratic 2nd Congressional District candidate Harry Teague is responding to primary opponent Bill McCamley’s new TV ad by reaffirming his commitment to running a positive campaign. He’s also, according to a news release, unveiling his own, new TV ad.

McCamley began running on Wednesday an ad that compares Teague to President Bush. The Teague news release called McCamley’s ad “negative and dishonest” and said that, while McCamley “claims to be running for change… his ad is just more of the same old politics.” The release doesn’t say what about McCamley’s ad is dishonest.

“For the past 7 months, my campaign has talked about the issues and my plans to get things done,” Teague said in the release. “From health care and education to jobs and alternative energy, New Mexicans want a congressman who will fight for working families. I am committed to running a positive, issue-oriented campaign and it shows in the widespread support I have received from across New Mexico.”

Teague’s news release said the campaign released today a new ad focusing on issues and highlighting his recent endorsement from Gov. Bill Richardson. Asked for a copy of the ad, the Teague campaign said it will soon be on the candidate’s Web site, but it is not currently there. McCamley’s campaign has not released a copy of its new ad or put it on the Internet.

So the candidates are arguing about ads that are on TV but not anywhere on the Internet where they can be easily scrutinized. Both should quickly release their new ads to the media or put them on the Internet.

As I’ve disclosed in the past, I’m friends with McCamley. Click here to read more about that.

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