Sun-News, Journal back different candidates in CD2

The Las Cruces Sun-News endorsed Republican C. Earl Greer and Democrat Bill McCamley in the 2nd Congressional District race on Sunday, while the Albuquerque Journal endorsed Republican Ed Tinsley and Democrat Harry Teague.

The Sun-News, in its endorsement of Greer, said his “background and commonsense approach puts him a shade ahead” of the other candidates.

“Greer’s sense of the district is solid. He’s a fifth-generation New Mexican who knows agriculture as well as business,” the endorsement states. “And in a district that’s almost half Hispanic, it’s worth noting Greer is a Spanish speaker, and half Hispanic himself.”

In its endorsement of McCamley, the newspaper said that, though it hasn’t agreed with all McCamley has done, the members of its editorial board have been impressed with his work as a Doña Ana County commissioner and his ability to bring disparate groups together. The endorsement said he knows the district well.

“McCamley is forward-thinking with energy (work on renewables and now, emphasizing them the way Kennedy did with getting us to the moon) and the economy (we’ve got to find ways to export our goods and services, including New Mexico’s alternative energy),” the endorsement states.

Meanwhile, the Journal announced its picks in a single editorial.

The newspaper praised Tinsley’s work ethic, said he’s strong on border issues and, while he’s worked on oil and gas development, he also “knows the importance of investing in wind, solar and nuclear energy.”

Teague, the Journal endorsement stated, “isn’t afraid of challenges.” It said his “businessman’s approach to problem solving and the twang of oil patch in his voice” might be enough to break nearly three debates of Republican control of the congressional district.

The only candidate to issue a news release reacting to his endorsement by either newspaper was Tinsley.

“Today, the Albuquerque Journal echoed what people across our district have been saying for months: I am the only candidate in this primary who exudes the work ethic, conservative credentials and diversity of experience to best represent the Republican Party on November’s ballot,” Tinsley said in the release. “This endorsement clearly illustrates that momentum is on our side in the race. I am honored to have the Albuquerque Journal’s endorsement and statements of support behind me as I continue to work hard for the support of voters across the 2nd District.”

In the same editorial, the Journal endorsed Democrat Ben R. Luján and Republican Marco Gonzales in the 3rd Congressional District race.

Update, 1:35 p.m.

In a news release, Greer said he is “distinctly honored to receive the endorsement of the Sun-News.

“This is yet one more example of how strong my grassroots campaign is and that my message is really hitting home with voters,” Greer said.

“He’s a businessman raised with ranching values, he lives in the district, he’s a long-time Republican and he’s not beholden to any special-interest groups,” said Timera Woodell Drake, Greer’s communications director. “What better candidate to represent our district?”

As I’ve disclosed in the past, I’m friends with McCamley. Click here to read more about that.

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