Richardson endorses Teague in CD2 race

Gov. Bill Richardson announced today that he is endorsing Harry Teague in the 2nd Congressional District Democratic primary, calling him “a successful businessman and community leader with moderate views who should be able to win the general election.”

“I worked with Harry Teague to reinvigorate and diversify the economy in Lea County. I know Harry will use that experience to create jobs and represent the mostly rural communities of southern New Mexico in Congress,” Richardson said today in a news release from the Teague campaign.

Teague said he is “deeply honored” to have Richardson’s endorsement.

“I will fight everyday to continue in his tradition of getting real results for New Mexico,” Teague said. “Whether it be his service as a congressman, cabinet secretary, ambassador or governor, Bill Richardson has a strong record of accomplishment that all Americans should be proud of. I am honored to have him as a friend and to have his support.”

Update, 1:10 p.m.

Richardson spokesman Gilbert Gallegos just sent this unsolicited comment on Teague’s only primary opponent, Bill McCamley:

“The decision to endorse was a tough one. The governor fully supports Harry Teague, but he’s also very big on Bill McCamley, who he believes has great potential to be a political leader in the future,” Gallegos said.

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