Newman, McCamley unveil new TV ads

Republican 2nd Congressional District candidate Monty Newman is out with a new TV ad highlighting his pledge to run a positive campaign and claiming he’s the candidate of conservative values.

Meanwhile, Democratic 2nd District candidate Bill McCamley is out with a new ad comparing his opponent to President Bush.

Here’s Newman’s 30-second ad:

The ad’s narrator says Newman will keep taxes low, support American soldiers and be tough on securing the border.

“Today Monty runs a positive campaign, not attacking other Republicans,” the narrator states in an apparent reference to the negative attacks from other candidates. “Just honest, conservative leadership.”

The ad is running across the district.

Meanwhile, the McCamley campaign isn’t releasing a copy of its new 30-second ad and hasn’t put it online, but the ad is running on TV across the district. In the ad, McCamley highlights his middle-class background and contrasts it with “My opponent, millionaire oilman Harry Teague.”

“Harry Teague sided with an oil company for drilling rights over the rights of a community to get clean water,” McCamley says in the ad.

He then holds up photos of Teague and Bush.

“Harry Teague – another millionaire oilman. Haven’t we had enough of these guys?” he asks as he tosses the photo of Bush to the side and promises to fight for the middle class.

As I’ve disclosed in the past, I’m friends with McCamley. Click here to read more about that.

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