N.M. a focus as McCain, Obama prepare for November

As presidential candidates John McCain and even Barack Obama map out their general-election strategies, both are planning to focus a great deal of attention on Hispanics and independents and one state that has a lot of both – New Mexico.

That’s according to a weekend article in the New York Times.

Both campaigns are beginning to assemble teams in key battleground states, according to the article, even as Obama is at least technically still in a Democratic primary battle with Hillary Clinton. The article mentions New Mexico as one of three Western states, along with Colorado and Nevada, where both men plan to focus resources as they seek to win over Hispanic voters.

The GOP’s McCain has already run his first television ad of the general election season in New Mexico. And the Obama campaign, according to the article, thinks Gov. Bill Richardson’s endorsement may prove “more critical in the general election than in the primary.” Richardson is one of the nation’s most prominent Hispanics.

The article listed 14 states both campaigns agree are clearly in play in the general election, and New Mexico is among them. In addition to New Mexico’s large Hispanic population, it has a significant and growing population of people who register to vote without aligning themselves with a political party. McCain and Obama have demonstrated in their respective primaries the ability to draw the support of large numbers of independents.

Another interesting point from the article is that both campaigns said they are open to holding joint forums and unmoderated debates across the nation this summer. Could we see a joint appearance in New Mexico sometime in the next few months? Stay tuned.

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