Gonzales invokes Domenici’s legacy in radio ad

Republican 3rd Congressional District candidate Marco Gonzales is up with a new radio ad that draws on the legacy of a certain retiring U.S. senator in asking for support.

Gonzales, a former aide to U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, is “up to the task” of continuing Domenici’s legacy in Congress, the ad’s narrator states. Domenici has endorsed Gonzales in the GOP primary race.

You can listen to the 60-second spot by clicking here.

“With the tremendous loss of experience in New Mexico’s congressional delegation, our district can ill-afford to send someone to represent us who is not prepared on day one,” Gonzales said in a news release announcing the ad. “I spent 10 years learning the legislative process as an aide for our state’s senior senator, Pete Domenici, and I know that I am ready to serve on day one.”

The ads are running across the district in English and Spanish.

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