Bush helps White, state GOP raise $317K

A fundraiser hosted by President Bush today in Albuquerque raised $317,000 that will be split between the state GOP and the campaign of 1st Congressional District Republican candidate Darren White.

At the noon event, Bush praised White’s understanding of national security issues and applauded his record as a law-enforcement officer, according to a release from the White campaign. Bush also called White a “proven vote-getter.” White was re-elected as sheriff of Bernalillo County in 2006 with 64 percent of the vote.

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici also spoke at the fundraiser, where he praised White’s independence and integrity. Domenici noted that White resigned from his job in former Gov. Gary Johnson’s administration after the governor came out in favor of drug decriminalization. He also pointed to White’s efforts to lead a team of volunteers to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

“Don’t vote for Darren because he is of either party,” Domenici said, according to the news release. “Vote for him because he is a man of character and a man who cares.”

White said in the release that he appreciates the president’s willingness to attend the fundraiser. He said he expects liberal, special-interest groups to invest heavily in the campaign of his likely Democratic opponent, Martin Heinrich, who the news release called the “darling of the Left.”

“My campaign is about shaking up Washington with strong, independent leadership and I look forward to earning the support of the voters,” White said in the release.

Meanwhile, the New Mexico Independent has the scoop on protests of Bush’s visit, both by state Democrats and by White’s primary opponent, Joe Carraro. The national and state GOP have both endorsed White in the primary.

Heinrich attended the Democratic protest, the Independent reported. He pointed out that White was Bush’s Bernalillo County campaign chairman in 2004 – something White also pointed out in his release.

“They go way back,” the Independent quoted Heinrich as saying. “It’s disappointing to see Darren White continue to embrace the president at a time when the administration’s failed policies are hurting New Mexico families.”

Carraro, meanwhile, blasted the Republican National Committee and White’s campaign, according to the Independent, for bringing Bush to Albuquerque “to tell us who to vote for in this primary race.”

“New Mexicans don’t need Washington bosses to tell us who can best serve the interests of New Mexico and our country,” Carraro said. “We are still a democracy and the people will decide.”

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