Another N.M. superdelegate leaning toward Obama?

Is Democratic superdelegate Laurie Weahkee getting ready to pick a presidential candidate?

One of two unpledged superdelegates from New Mexico, Weahkee is quoted prominently in a nationally distributed Associated Press article today questioning the viability of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign following Clinton’s big loss in North Carolina and narrow victory in Indiana on Tuesday.

“I’m just wondering about the viability of Clinton’s campaign at this point,” the news service quoted Weahkee as saying.

Does that mean she’s getting ready to pledge her support to Barack Obama? Maybe. Maybe not.

“I really want to hear from (Clinton) more about if she wants to stay in the race – if the reason remains very concrete,” Weahkee told the news service.

Clinton says she is staying in the race, but she’s losing support, and many analysts say the Democratic primary is effectively over. However, as the news service reported, many unpledged superdelegates say they’re going to stay on the sidelines until after June 3, when all primary contests are completed.

That, coupled with Clinton’s pledge to stay in the race, suggests that the primary will drag on for at least another month, even if the analysts are correct.

Of New Mexico’s 12 superdelegates, six have pledged their support for Clinton and four are backing Obama. New Mexico’s other unpledged superdelegate is U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, who is still refusing to talk about his vote beyond saying he remains uncommitted.

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