Teague raises $170K during first quarter of 2008

Democratic Second Congressional District candidate Harry Teague raised just over $170,000 during the first three months of 2008, including a $9,572 loan he gave his own campaign.

Teague raised $157,847 from individuals and $3,000 from political action committees, according to the report he filed today with the Federal Election Commission. Along with the loan he gave his campaign, that brought his total fundraising for the quarter to $170,420.

Teague spent $196,290 during the first quarter of 2008, leaving him with $336,864 on hand at the start of April. Teague raised $408,610 during the last three months of 2007, which included a $200,000 loan he gave his own campaign.

Teague’s only opponent in the Democratic primary, Bill McCamley, has not yet filed his report with the FEC, but it’s due by the end of the day. McCamley did announce last week that he raised $55,000 in the last two weeks of March after beating Teague at the preprimary nominating convention on March 15.

Teague has now loaned his campaign a total of $209,572.

Update, 5 p.m.

In a news release, Teague said no other Democratic candidate in CD2 has raised as much money for a primary as he has in this race.

“I am honored to have received the financial support of so many New Mexicans,” Teague said. “Our campaign fights for working families, and I know that with the continued support of so many Southern New Mexicans, I will go to Washington and begin to deliver real results for our families.”

The release stated that more than 90 percent of Teague’s donations came from individual New Mexicans. The campaign raised almost $90,000 in the two weeks following the preprimary nominating convention on March 15.

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