Sowards raises $325K during first quarter of 2008

Republican Second Congressional District candidate Greg Sowards raised $325,000 during the first three months of 2008 – all of it a personal loan he gave his campaign.

That’s according to the report he filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission.

Sowards spent $24,679 during the first quarter of the year – his first in the race – leaving him with $300,320 on hand at the start of April.

You can read about the fundraising of the other GOP candidates in the race by clicking here.

Update, 9:25 a.m.

Sowards said in a news release that he has not accepted or solicited donations to this point, saying the “earnest money” he has contributed to his own campaign “should testify to the fact that I believe strongly in the closing line of the Declaration of Independence, which reads, ‘And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.’”

Kimball Hakes, who serves as Sowards’ campaign treasurer, said in the release that Sowards “is the only candidate to commit this kind of money to the race who isn’t a millionaire.”

“It is the willingness of ordinary citizens to make personal sacrifices that will preserve this great nation for future generations,” Sowards said. “It is the least we can do to repay the debt we owe our founders and each generation since that has risen to the challenge of its own day. When I do decide to ask others to join with me, it will be with the confidence that only comes from knowing that I have first done my part.”

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