Poll finds Udall with big leads over Pearce, Wilson

A new poll finds that Democrat Tom Udall continues to enjoy sizable leads over both Republicans vying for the right to take him on in the U.S. Senate race in November.

The Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday had Udall leading Steve Pearce by 14 points, 54 percent to 40 percent, and leading Heather Wilson by 20 points, 56 percent to 36 percent.

The survey of 500 likely voters was conducted on Tuesday and has a margin of error of 4.5 percent.

For Udall, the new poll reflects a gain from the Feb. 29 poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, which had him leading Pearce by eight points and Wilson by seven points.

But previous polls showed Udall up more than that, including his own internal polling, released in November, which gave him a 16-point advantage over Wilson and a 17-point advantage over Pearce. An October SurveyUSA poll had him up 18 points over both Pearce and Wilson.

Either Republican is going to have a difficult time catching Udall in the general election. He’s raising more money than they are and saving most of it, while Pearce and Wilson are spending their money on a primary that has been spirited at best and negative at worst. The winner will likely come out of the primary beaten up a bit.

And Udall will probably start the general-election battle $2 million or more ahead of the Republican primary winner.

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