Once again, Udall outraises GOP candidates combined

For the second fundraising quarter in a row, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall bested the combined fundraising totals of GOP candidates Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson.

Udall raised $1.3 million during the first three months of 2008, while Wilson raised $515,086 and Pearce raised $473,725. Udall ended the quarter with almost $2.6 million in the bank, while Wilson had $1.2 million on hand at the start of April and Pearce had $854,164.

The Pearce and Wilson campaigns released fundraising totals today. The Udall campaign released its total last week.

During the fourth quarter of 2007, Udall raised more than $1 million, while Wilson raised about $517,000 and Pearce raised about $426,000.

The Wilson campaign didn’t release information about how much it spent during the first quarter of 2008. Pearce said he spent $432,998.

Wilson has raised almost $2.1 million during the current election cycle, according to a news release from her campaign. She has received contributions from 4,231 New Mexicans, which represents 85 percent of her contributions.

To date, individual contributors from New Mexico are responsible for 93 percent of contributions to Pearce, the news release from his campaign states.

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