LCPS mil levy vote is today

Many people don’t even know there’s a Las Cruces Public Schools mil levy election today. That’s probably going to lead to incredibly low voter turnout.

But the election is important. What the schools are asking is that voters approve the refinancing and restructuring of the district’s debt to generate $35 million over the next five years to help with construction of new schools and renovations at existing schools.

Property taxes won’t go up or down either way. If approved, the mil levy will come up for a new vote of approval or disapproval every six years.

In addition to paying for renovations at existing schools, a “yes” vote today would help pay for a new high school that’s currently estimated to cost $87 million, in addition to a new middle school and elementary school. All three will be built on the city’s east side.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. To find your polling place, click here. For more information, click here.

Take the time to vote. It’s your duty and your right. But check the list of polling places before you try to vote. Mine is different for this vote than my usual polling place for larger elections; yours might be too.

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