Former Gov. Carruthers endorses Tinsley in CD2

Former Gov. Garrey Carruthers has endorsed Ed Tinsley’s candidacy for the 2nd Congressional District seat currently held by Steve Pearce.

Carruthers, now the dean of the Business College and vice president for economic development at New Mexico State University, cited Tinsley’s business experience as a reason for his endorsement. Carruthers and Tinsley are both Republicans.

“Ed’s wide-ranging business experience, consistent conservative values and extensive knowledge of the issues facing New Mexico make him the only candidate in the race that will effectively represent the voters of New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District from day one,” Carruthers said in a Saturday news release from the Tinsley campaign.

Carruthers said, in “what are very uncertain economic times,” the district needs “a congressman who doesn’t require on-the-job training and isn’t a career politician.” He cited Tinsley’s 30 years as a rancher as “the kind of real-world experience” the district needs, and said it demonstrates Tinsley’s dedication to the land and people of the 2nd District.

Tinsley thanked Carruthers for his support and said Carruthers is now a senior adviser to his campaign.

“Gov. Carruthers has admirably dedicated his life to public service and making New Mexico a wonderful place to live and raise a family,” he said. “His past services to our state, and present dedication as dean to his students at New Mexico State University, are a testament to his character and integrity as a public servant.”

Carruthers was New Mexico’s governor from 1987 to 1991.

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