Board of Finance OKs emergency loan for primary

The state Board of Finance today approved an emergency loan of up to $595,300 to help the Secretary of State’s Office cover expenses related to the upcoming June 3 primary.

“I am keeping my promise to the secretary of state that we will work with her to ensure that her office has adequate resources and they are prepared to run a smooth primary election,” Gov. Bill Richardson, the board’s chair, said in a news release. “The public expects fair and accurate election results in a timely manner – as they should.”

Richardson spokesman Allan Oliver said the funding has nothing to do with a previous $3 million budget deficit in the Secretary of State’s Office that resulted from the 2006 election or legislation the governor vetoed earlier this year that would have helped counties pay for maintenance of voting machines.

The news release states that the Board of Finance has been working with Secretary of State Mary Herrera and her staff to ensure the office is fully prepared for the primary. The emergency loan will help cover the costs of election supplies, training for poll workers and judges and voter information cards. The secretary of state will be required to submit invoices to the director of the Board of Finance before receiving money.

“Amid expectations for a record voter turnout, it is important that the state do everything possible to instill confidence in the process and create a positive voting experience for New Mexico voters,” Board of Finance Member Roberta Cooper Ramo said.

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