Obama, Clinton in Texas, Ohio showdowns tonight

The battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could come to an end this evening if Obama sweeps four states where Democrats are voting today.

But if recent polls are any indication, Clinton may be regaining some momentum in the nick of time.

Voters in Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont will pick their candidates today. Obama has 11 straight wins. Even Clinton’s husband has said she must win the delegate-rich states of Texas and Ohio to continue. While she had been falling in polls for weeks, many of the final polls in Texas and Ohio have Clinton regaining the lead.

Meanwhile, on the GOP side, John McCain could win enough delegates tonight to make it mathematically impossible for Mike Huckabee or another candidate to catch him.

On the Democratic side, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish is in El Paso campaigning for Clinton. Handfuls of people from Doña Ana County have also made the trip south to promote both candidates.

Tonight should be interesting.

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