New Mexico exit polling finds Obama ahead

A CNN exit poll of people who voted in today’s New Mexico Democratic caucus has Barack Obama with a slight lead over Hillary Clinton.

Of 905 people surveyed after voting today, 53 percent of men said they voted for Obama, while 39 percent said they voted for Clinton. Each candidate had the votes of 47 percent of women, according to the exit poll. Women made up 56 percent of those surveyed, and men made up 44 percent.

Take it for what it’s worth, but there it is.

Clinton won among Hispanics, but Obama also had significant support among that culture group. One of the main questions in the race has been whether Obama could win significant Hispanic support.

The other question has been whether young people would vote. People in the 18-29 category made up 8 percent of those surveyed in the exit poll, and the poll didn’t include their vote totals. Those 30-39 made up 11 percent of those surveyed, and 64 percent of them went for Obama. People 40 and over were fairly evenly split among Clinton and Obama, according to the exit poll.

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