Luna County GOP will redo its convention

The Republican Party of Luna County will have to redo its selection of delegates to the state preprimary nominating convention because some people were unfairly excluded last weekend from trying to become delegates.

State GOP spokesman Scott Darnell said the county party chairman decided to redo the process after the state party discovered that this year’s convention chairman “improperly restricted who could run for and become a state convention delegate.” That happened because the convention chairman assumed “that a standing rule from a previous convention carried over to this year’s convention concerning who should be nominated and serve as a Luna County delegate, and that is an incorrect assumption.”

Darnell said the problem was unintentional.

Saturday’s 9 a.m. meeting to redo the convention means the delegate hunt for the GOP’s Second Congressional District candidates that has been unusual and drawn a lot of interest isn’t over. I’m not sure what it means for the congressional candidates, because at least two of them had been claiming they won all five delegates from Luna County at the county party’s first convention.

A Republican candidate for the Second Congressional District seat needs 28 delegates to appear on the ballot. If he doesn’t reach that goal, he must gather a large number of signatures in a few days if he still wants to get on the ballot. That’s assuming the governor signs a bill approved this month by the Legislature that would provide the alternate path to the ballot, which he has said he will do.

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