Udall raises more than Wilson and Pearce combined

U.S. Rep. Tom Udall raised more than $1 million for his Senate bid during the fourth quarter of 2007, beating the combined total raised by the two leading Republicans in the race, U.S. Reps. Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson.

Udall, the Democratic frontrunner, raised just over $1 million and spent about $118,000 during the quarter, and began 2008 with more than $1.7 million in the bank.

“We’re very proud of the strong, statewide support Tom Udall has received, including contributions from each of New Mexico’s 33 counties,” said Amanda Cooper, Udall’s campaign manager. “Tom Udall has a strong record of getting things done for New Mexico, both as a tough attorney general and a five-term congressman. … His common-sense solutions to expand health care, improve education and achieve energy independence are what New Mexicans need from their next U.S. senator.”

The Udall campaign reported that more than 80 percent of his contributions came from individuals, with more than 60 percent of those coming from New Mexico. More than half of Udall’s individual contributions came from people who gave less than $200.

Udall’s fundraising total – made even more impressive by the fact that he didn’t start actively raising funds until after Thanksgiving – is certain to solidify the analysis of a number of national pundits who say this is one of the GOP Senate seats most likely to be taken by Democrats in 2008.

Wilson came in second in fundraising for the quarter, raising just under $517,000. She spent just under $194,000 and begins 2008 with almost $1.1 million in the bank. Wilson’s campaign pointed out in its news release that she raised more during the quarter and has more on hand than Pearce.

According to the release, Wilson, as of Dec. 31, has received contributions from 3,417 New Mexicans. That’s 92 percent of her individual contributors.

“I’m honored that so many New Mexicans are supporting me in my race for U.S. Senate, believing like I do that we must nominate a commonsense conservative who can win in November,” Wilson said.

Pearce reported raising just under $426,000 for the quarter, spending just under $206,000 and having almost $820,000 on hand. Individual donors from New Mexico were responsible for 92 percent of Pearce’s contributions, according to a news release from his campaign.

The release of Pearce’s fundraising report today was preceded by Wednesday-evening releases announcing that he raised more than $100,000 at a fundraiser in Santa Fe on Wednesday and was endorsed by the conservative, Washington-based Club for Growth.

“We continue to see this same level of enthusiasm across New Mexico,” said John Billingsley, campaign manager for Pearce’s campaign, following the fundraiser. “… Particularly here in Santa Fe, we are encouraged by the level of support and excitement people are showing.”

In its endorsement, the Club for Growth touted Pearce’s record of fighting for lower taxes and reduced spending.

“Steve Pearce has been a reliable opponent of tax increases and has demonstrated a willingness to curtail the growth of government,” President Pat Toomey said.

As for the other declared Senate candidates, Democrat Leland Lehrman has not released fourth-quarter fundraising numbers. Republican Tom Benavides didn’t enter the race until early January.

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