Richardson thanks Iowa caucus goers, turns to N.H.

Bill Richardson’s campaign has just put out a news release focusing on the fact that he finished fourth in Iowa and stating that he is “moving his campaign forward to the New Hampshire primary.”

“We made it to the final four,” Richardson said. “My staff and volunteers worked their hearts out to get us here. Now we are going to take the fight to New Hampshire.”

The top four finishers in the Iowa Caucus get to participate in a nationally televised debate this weekend, so Richardson has one more chance to face off with the frontrunners before New Hampshire Democrats vote.

Richardson, the release stated, watched the results at a rally in Des Moines and has since boarded a plane for New Hampshire. He finished at about 2 percent in Iowa.

“It has been an honor to meet with Iowans and be a part of this extraordinary process,” Richardson said. “I am the one candidate who has said we must end this war by getting all our troops out of Iraq. We cannot truly change this country until we end this war – and we can only do that by getting every U.S. troop out. Americans who want to get us out of Iraq aren’t giving up and neither am I. We cannot end the division in this country until we are out of Iraq and we cannot focus on fixing our problems at home and our image abroad until our troops are out of Iraq. We cannot wait until 2013 or longer.”

Thank you, Iowa,” Richardson said. “Now we go on to New Hampshire.”

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