Kennedy: Obama inspires and can bring change

Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said today during a visit to Albuquerque that Barack Obama is the presidential candidate who can inspire uninvolved people to become active in their government.

Kennedy talked about young people and others who haven’t been involved in politics during a stop at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, and said Obama gives Americans “the opportunity to have a very unusual candidate” who can change the nation.

“There is one person, there is one candidate, there is one individual who has the ability to bring about that enthusiasm, that idealism, that commitment, that kind of spirit, that kind of vision for our country and the world, and his name is Barack Obama,” Kennedy said. “Are you going to be with us for change?”

Kennedy said the eyes of the nation will be on states like New Mexico on Tuesday. He said Obama has done just about all he can, and it is now “up to each and every one of you” to campaign for Obama in the coming days. A boisterous crowd responded enthusiastically to his call to action.

Kennedy talked about Iraq, education and health care during his speech.

“We can elect a Democratic president that will actually end the war in Iraq, and his name is Barack Obama,” he said. “… We can make sure that the children’s needs are going to be met.”

Kennedy said, though he supports Obama, he is “not against any of the other candidates. If Hillary Clinton is successful, we’ll support her.”

He also praised the three highest-ranking Democratic elected officials in New Mexico – Gov. Bill Richardson, U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman and U.S. Rep. Tom Udall – three men who haven’t endorsed either candidate. Kennedy and others have been pushing Richardson to endorse Obama, but he’s been pushed to endorse Clinton by others.

Kennedy called Richardson “one of the great public servants of our time,” and pointed out that he campaigned for Richardson when he was first elected to Congress in 1982. He said there is no “finer senator” than Bingaman, and called Udall a “wonderful friend.”

You can watch Kennedy’s full speech, courtesy of KNME-TV in Albuquerque, by clicking here.

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