Guv’s campaign rejects report that it will back Obama

Bill Richardson’s presidential campaign is rejecting a report that says it plans to ask supporters to caucus for Barack Obama in the second round of the Iowa Caucus tonight if the governor isn’t viable.

The Iowa Independent is reporting that Richardson plans, for strategic reasons, to send support to Obama in the second round in places where he falls short of the 15-percent support threshold that makes his campaign viable under Iowa Caucus rules.

The thinking of the Richardson campaign, according to the report, is that an Obama victory is better for the governor than victories by John Edwards or Hillary Clinton.

The report is “completely false,” said Richardson campaign spokeswoman Katie Roberts.

“We are viable throughout Iowa. We have strong support throughout the state and are looking forward to tonight,” she said. “This is just last-minute rumor buzz that has no truth to it. The Richardson for President campaign is looking forward to finishing in the final four and moving on to the New Hampshire primary.”

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