Guv to meet with House Dems on health-care plan

Gov. Bill Richardson will meet this afternoon with the House Democratic caucus, apparently in an attempt to try to build momentum for his health-care reform proposal, which has gained little traction thus far in the legislative session.

The meeting between the governor and all House Democrats will be held on the fourth floor of the Roundhouse. It’s being called a “crisis caucus” by some House Democrats, though none I spoke with knew why or who started calling it that.

But here’s the bottom line: The crown jewel of Richardson’s legislative agenda is universal health care. The governor’s plan, which would use a combination of government and private programs to cover all New Mexicans, is sponsored by John Heaton, D-Carlsbad, and co-signed by only two others: Speaker Ben Lujan and Majority Leader Ken Martinez.

Meanwhile, 30 House members signed on to the Health Security Act, sponsored by Bobby Gonzales, D-Taos. The competing legislation would set up a health-insurance cooperative and would ensure coverage for most New Mexicans.

While the Health Security Act also has a Senate sponsor, Richardson’s plan does not.

The urgency of today’s meeting might be due to the fact that Heaton’s bill is scheduled for its first committee hearing on Wednesday at 8 a.m. The Health and Government Affairs Committee could kill it then.

Richardson has been solely focused on his health-care proposal thus far in the session, in part because it’s gained so little traction. Most lawmakers believe it’s going nowhere.

But Richardson is a skilled dealmaker and a master at thuggery. Don’t count out his proposal yet.

Update, 11:30 a.m.

This is the regular meeting the governor holds with House Dems near the start of every session, a source I just spoke with said. The source suggested there was no urgency involved in today’s meeting, though others who are also close to the situation disagree.

Regardless, most House Dems I spoke with expect heavy lobbying from the governor on his health-care proposal. It’s at the top of his agenda, and most of them aren’t on board with it. That will create tension at today’s meeting.

Update, 1:50 p.m.

The governor has continually met with legislators – individually and with their respective caucuses – since the start of the session about all of his priorities, including the Health Solutions New Mexico Act,” Richardson spokesman Gilbert Gallegos said about today’s meeting. “The governor has always maintained an open dialogue with the Legislature.”

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