Guv bows out, backs Udall but no presidential hopeful

In ending his presidential campaign today, Gov. Bill Richardson pledged to push for health-care reform in the upcoming legislative session, continue his international missions and elect Tom Udall to the U.S. Senate, but he was mum on whether he would seek the vice presidential nomination or another D.C. job.

“It is with great pride, understanding and acceptance that I am ending my campaign for president of the United States,” Richardson said during the speech in Santa Fe. “… Boy, did we work harder than anyone. We did our best and that is all we can do and that is all we can expect from each other.”

Richardson, 60, was wearing blue jeans with his suit jacket and tie, and was accompanied by his wife Barbara. His speech was interrupted by several standing ovations.

“I am back!” a grinning Richardson said to the state’s lawmakers as he promised to push during the 30-day session that starts next week for “extending health insurance to every New Mexican by the end of my term.”

Richardson said he will, for the time being, endorse no candidate in the presidential race.

And he sought to shoot down lingering rumors that he might run for Senate by endorsing Udall’s candidacy.

But the governor didn’t address the question of whether he will finish out his term, as he has previously pledged, or seek a job in Washington.

Speculation had been rampant that Richardson might endorse Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. He instead urged New Mexicans to make their own, independent decisions, saying the remaining Democrats are “all strong candidates.” He individually praised each Democratic presidential candidate, including those who dropped out before him.

And he said he’s happy to return to New Mexico.

“Now I’m returning to a job that I love, serving a state that I cherish and doing the work of the people I was elected to serve. As I’ve always said, I’m the luckiest man I know,” the governor said. “I married my high-school sweetheart. I live in a place called the Land of Enchantment. I have the best job in the world, and I just got to run for president of the United States. And, you know, it doesn’t get any better than that.”

“So the time has come to end my quest and come home to tackle the challenges before us in New Mexico,” Richardson said.

Before Richardson made his announcement, Udall told those in attendance that the governor “ran the most substantive campaign of this election, folks. He offered more detailed plans to turn around this country than any other candidate, and we all know he worked the hardest of all of them.”

“Everybody loved him and he was everybody’s second candidate, and that’s a big accomplishment,” Udall said. “… He was right on the war, he was right on clean energy and he was the only candidate I saw that had made his state a model on clean energy. … Governor, we are so proud of you and we are so glad you are back home with us.”

Richardson said the campaign “tested me in ways that I’ve never been tested,” and said he “learned that I don’t have all the answers.” He also said he believes his involvement in the race helped shape the debate on Iraq, health care and energy.

“Now all the remaining candidates have come to our point of view and I am confident the next president of the United States will implement much of what we’ve been urging for the last 12 months, and our nation and our world will be better for it,” Richardson said.

Update, 2:25 p.m.

Here’s video of Richardson’s speech from MSNBC:

Update, 3:05 p.m.

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, in a statement released by his office, said he spoke with Richardson earlier today.

“I congratulated Governor Richardson on his campaign and all the effort he put into the race. I told him I can appreciate how hard and grueling a national campaign can be with all its facets and the constant push for funding,” Domenici said. “He is very grateful to those people who stuck by him. The race for the Democratic nomination will lose a certain excitement without Bill. I join the people of New Mexico in welcoming him back home, and I look forward to working with the governor this year on issues that are important to our state’s future.”

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