Chávez joins Denish in endorsing Clinton

Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chávez has joined Lt. Gov. Diane Denish in endorsing Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama has become the first presidential candidate to open a campaign office in Las Cruces. It’s located at 212 West Hadley Ave. The Obama campaign also has an office in Albuquerque and is expected to open one in Santa Fe in the coming days.

Clinton’s campaign says it will soon open an office in Albuquerque – its first in the state.

Chávez’s endorsement was announced today in a news release from the Clinton campaign, and comes less than three weeks before New Mexico Democrats will caucus on Feb. 5.

New Mexico is ready for change, and I know Hilary Clinton is ready to lead on day one,” Chávez said. “I am proud to support her because I believe she will be the best president for New Mexico and the working families that make this country great.”

Chávez also touted Clinton’s “35-year record of delivering results” and said the nation needs “strong, experienced leadership we can depend on.”

Clinton thanked the mayor for his support.

“Martin is a long-time, loyal friend and I am honored to have had his early and committed support,” Clinton said in the release. “His support is not just expressed through words – he has a record of getting things done.”

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