Republican attorney to run for Udall’s House seat

Republican Marco E. Gonzales, an attorney who spent 10 years working for U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici as a defense appropriations specialist, has decided to run for the Third Congressional District seat being vacated by Tom Udall.

“I have decided to respectfully offer my background and experience to the people of Northern New Mexico and the 3rd CD for consideration as a candidate for Congress,” he confirmed in an e-mail.

Gonzales said a formal announcement will be made in the next 10 days or so in Santa Fe, where he was born and currently lives.

Gonzales called Domenici “a great mentor and friend,” and said he is “battle-tested from the experience of working for Pete on issues like saving Kirtland, maintaining force structure and infrastructure at Cannon AFB and fighting for the defense budgets at our military bases and national laboratories.” He also worked on judiciary, commerce, state and justice issues.

Asked about issues in his campaign, Gonzales said “a top priority will be saving the Los Alamos National Laboratory from the frontal assault being levied on it from Washington budget cutters in the House of Representatives who have no idea what a national treasure it truly is.”

Gonzales said he “cannot believe Tom Udall never once had key decision makers out here to educate them. He simply acquiesced to their cuts without a serious fight.”

“He sent the signal early it was OK to cut and they ran with it all the way to the devastation we see happening now,” Gonzales said. “Once it’s gone, you can’t reconstitute the asset again easily, and the numbers crunchers in the House are looking at short-term results to meet other spending priorities. Bad policy for America. Horrible results for the people of Northern New Mexico.”

Gonzales said his experience means he understands the inner-workings of federal agencies, and he “will not need any on-the-job training when it comes to fighting for New Mexico programs administered within.”

He also said many people living in the district need help with Medicare, Medicaid, veterans’ claims and health care and other services.

“The problem is the federal government makes the forms and applications so hard to fill out and confusing that many people lose out on these and other benefits and care they deserve,” Gonzales said. “I am going to make constituent services a pillar of my service to the district.”

Gonzales is a partner at the state’s oldest and largest law firm, Modrall Sperling. He earned his law degree in 1998 from Georgetown University in Washington and has a bachelor’s degree from Catholic University of America.

Gonzales pointed out that he has deep family roots in Santa Fe – Democratic roots. To have a shot at defeating a Democratic candidate in the liberal district, he’s going to need such help. Gonzales has a long history of activity in the Republican Party, including taking visible rolls in President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 campaigns.

At least two other Republicans are considering entering the race, but Gonzales is the first to announce his candidacy. Three Democrats – Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya, state Indian Affairs Secretary Benny Shendo Jr. and Santa Fe green builder Don Wiviott – have entered the race, and others are considering it.

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