Lehrman seeks to distinguish himself from Udall

In an attempt to drum up support for his longshot bid for U.S. Senate, Democrat Leland Lehrman plans to hold a news conference on Wednesday to contrast his views with those of Rep. Tom Udall, the frontrunner in the race.

Lehrman’s news conference will begin at noon and will be held in the rotunda at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.

“At the conference, the candidate will discuss the concerns that the Democratic Party grassroots has about Tom Udall on impeachment, his relationship with Senator Charles Schumer and his leadership qualities in general,” a release from Lehrman’s campaign states.

Udall doesn’t currently support impeaching the president and vice president. Impeachment is one of the cornerstones of Lehrman’s campaign. Schumer heads the fundraising arm of Senate Democrats and worked hard to get Udall to enter the Senate race.

The release also states that Lehrman will discuss an “analysis of recent campaign contributions” that raises concerns that oil and gas companies “may be interested in preventing (Udall) from taking a strong stand against drilling in Santa Fe County.”

Lehrman won’t only go on the offensive against Udall. He also plans to release his “positive change platform” at the news conference.

“Integrity, energy, peace will be the watchwords of the campaign, at least in this early stage,” the release states.

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