Dunn, Tinsley, won’t attend GOP candidate forum

Prior commitments will keep rancher Aubrey Dunn and restaurant-chain owner and rancher Ed Tinsley from attending the forum being held Tuesday in Alamogordo for announced GOP candidates and potential candidates for the Second Congressional District seat being vacated by Steve Pearce.

Otero County Republican Party Chair Sassy Tinling confirmed today that the two won’t participate. She said last week that Tinsley would attend but Dunn had not yet responded to an invitation.

That leaves Bob Cornelius, former Bernalillo County GOP executive director, as the only announced candidate who will participate in the forum. Also participating will be Sierra County GOP chair C. Earl Greer and former state Rep. Terry Marquardt, who are both considering running but have not announced decisions.

Clint Chandler, a staffer for U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici who is considering running, will attend but won’t participate in the forum. His employment prevents him from participating, Tinling said.

Tinling said she is still trying to nail down commitments from other potential candidates.

The forum, which is open to the public, will begin at 7 p.m. at the Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center, 800 E. 1st Street.

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