Dems’ last debate before Iowa to be held today

Today is the last opportunity for Gov. Bill Richardson and other Democrats seeking their party’s nomination for president to make an impact in a head-to-head setting before Iowa caucus goers pick their candidate on Jan. 3.

The final debate between Democratic presidential candidates will be held in Iowa beginning at noon New Mexico time. It’s sponsored by Iowa Public Television and The Des Moines Register and will be broadcast live on CNN, C-SPAN3, Fox New Channel, C-SPAN Radio and Fox News Radio.

You’ll be able to watch it live online by clicking here or here.

Republicans held their final debate on Wednesday. You can read about it by clicking here or watch it by clicking here.

Richardson is continuing to fall in polls in Iowa and New Hampshire. His Real Clear Politics average today of recent polls in Iowa is 7.3 percent, and his average of recent polls in New Hampshire is 6.6 percent. With the governor betting his candidacy on a finish of third or better in Iowa, he needs something big to happen today. Since this is the last debate, and it’s being held in Iowa, you can be certain that Iowans are paying attention.

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