New Richardson book released today

Gov. Bill Richardson’s new book, Leading by Example: How We Can Inspire an Energy and Security Revolution, was released today.

The book, timed to coincide with the home stretch of his campaign to become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, is published by Wiley and has a suggested retail price of $25.95. It outlines Richardson’s plan to lead America to energy independence and details how that will make Americans safer.

“We need to make a major commitment to energy reform – a man-on-the-moon effort,” Richardson said in a release. “Baby steps are not going to cut it. We need a revolution to break our addiction to foreign oil, develop renewable energy and create the jobs of the future. It will require sacrifice from every American and real leadership from the next president.”

You can find the details of Richardson’s plan by clicking here.

“My plan would create jobs and improve our security,” he said in the release. “We can restore our technological, economic and global leadership. We can inspire the world, solve problems and create a new energy economy. America is ready. We can help American businesses and American households to make the change, but we must act boldly and act now.”

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